Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Prima Ballerina!

What a fun morning we had! Taylor and her best bud Ava had their first day of Dance Theatre! I don't know if I will ever witness a sweeter moment, those little girls melted my heart. Sara, their teacher, was so patient and friendly that the girls walked right in and starting moving. Jack came along for the first day and was captivated by all of the little gals. He was smiling and laughing and almost looked like he wanted out of his stroller to participate. He is our 'tiny dancer.'
First stop Mt. Si Dance Theatre, next stop Juilliard??
Here are some pictures highlighting the hour of fun...

Both Taylor and Ava listened and followed all the instructions beautifully. Their movements were fairly choppy but they tried each move nonetheless. These girls are very dedicated and will have no problem excelling in the class.

A few of the girls were so tiny. They looked so much smaller than three, but held their own in the class.

So sweet. Little ballet slippers, tiny leotards, and itty bitty tutus...budding ballerinas.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Whistle while you work!

Well, Jack is officially feeling WAY better! He is up to his normal routine, even aside from yesterday. Thank GOD!
Not sure what it is, but ever since Hawaii our little man has been having a love affair with cleaning tools. While he loves the vacuum and duster, his favorite remains the broom. It goes everywhere with him! Heaven forbid you take it away to put it back into the closet-the crocodile tears start flowing! Who knows, maybe he will be a cleaner guy than his dad!

The funnies thing is that as he walks with it, he does this little dance. I will try and capture it on video to post here. He makes me laugh, that is for sure.

Then of course is Taylor, who as most of you know, is a ham. The minute I starting taking pictures of Jack, Taylor wanted to be a part of the action. I found this sweet dress at Gymboree a couple of weeks ago and thought it was perfect for this gorgeous fall day.

She is so fresh! It would have been nice if she smiled!
By the way, that clip in her hair is from my girlfriend's company:
LOVE THEM! And yes, it matched perfectly!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Holiday Cards From Sweet Pea Photography Now Available!

It is officially starting to feel like fall...with the holidays just around the corner. I am working on my email campaign for the 2008 Holiday card release, but since it is being uncooperative, I decided to post them here as well. Fingers crossed, should have the email campaign up and running and off to read by early next week! To view the image on a larger scale and see the details, click on the picture below. It will *should* open in a separate web browser window. Thanks!