Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blogger Newbie!

Well, since half of the family lives on the east coast, half on the west, I thought it was the appropriate time to start blogging. We are always asked about new developments the kids are learning, and updated pictures. Since life can be hectic, this makes the most sense.

A girlfriend of mine (that's right Sarah!) is sharing the remainder of her hospital bedrest via the internet. It has become an addiction of mine to hop online and read up on the latest and greatest news...even if I just spoke to her ten minutes earlier! To her it has been invaluable since she doesn't have to retell updates a million times. It seemed like such a great idea, that I have finanlly decided to start one myself!

In addition to blogging about our little family, I have been meaning to start a blog for my business, Sweet Pea Photography, to share the trials and tribulations of starting, owning and operating a photography company. Since the website is finally operational (without the querks we were originally experiencing) I can now shift my focus and dedicate some time to the blogging world.

So, grab some coffee and sit with me for a while. ..


Elizabeth said...

YEAH! Welcome to the blogging world... it is totally addicting! So happy you started yours! xoxo.

sarah said...

Look what I've started! Actually you'll have to thank Dana, she's the culprit. Where are all the pics? Your family will love it...

Anonymous said...

I have added your website to my myspace. when you get back we need to have a sitting for Hunter.
Love, Christina