Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lovely. Just lovely.

After a trip to the radiologist Thursday and my OB on Friday, it is official, I am on bed rest. Our hopes that the few days of bed rest would do the trick simply didn't. After a 125 bpm heart rate on Thursday evening, our radiologist decided to put me on a new anti-contraction med. We headed to Target to fill my prescription and naturally I didn't want to just stay in the car. Nurse Hatchet (Chad) would only allow me to go in if I used a motorized cart. It was so humiliating, plus the ass kept trying to take pictures of me! He did snap one...

However, I made him beg that it would never see the light of Facebook or he would be dead! It was germ infested I am sure, in fact, my mother made a comment that "I wonder how many elderly use that wearing their depends?" ICK! GROSS! @#(*&$(* SICK! Our little trip at Target was done, so I scooted my little cart back to it's home and proceeded to shower in a bottle of Purell. Talk about heebie geebies.

We waited about 4 hours to take it to allow my heart a chance to rest, all while experiencing contractions at 3 minutes apart. To say the least, I need to be on the meds as they appear to be doing the trick. So that is the story...three more weeks to go. At the least the weather is nice and the sun is shining. Maybe I won't go to mad. One can hope.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Jack!

Happy 3rd Birthday little man! I can't believe it was three years ago that we were at the hospital for my c-section. Funny how I now sit on bedrest with his little sister!

Since we haven't had the kids today, I don't have much to show for a birthday celebration, but nana and papa did send some pics that I am sharing here.

Looks like Jack and Taylor had a huge breakfast and then put on some new duds. Too cute.

They should be over later tonight for dinner and cake, to which we will snap some pics of the little guy. Miss them.

Oh, and ps...1st day of bedrest and I hate it. I feel lazy and bored. Considering I am still having contractions, it doesn't appear to be working that well either.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Sure, just when things are going good (and I had a little bit more energy), Addie decides she is going to rock the cradle! Joking aside, as of 9 am, I started experiencing a 'bit' of pain, which was untolerable when I would stand or walk. Naturally, I called the doctor. She proceeded to have me try Milk of Magnesia-GROSS-to see if it was a build up of air in my abdomen. It was a 'Take two teaspoons and call me back in two hours if you are still uncomfortable.' I was skeptic, but I figured I would try it.

Two hours later I got the green light to head into Labor and Delivery. Not knowing what I had going on, they strapped me up to the monitors. Sure enough, full 2 minutes apart. Great! Jack's birthday is tomorrow and this is the last bit of news I wanted.

We spent five hours being monitored. Had two rounds of terbutaline (side note-this is horrible stuff. I was dizzy, weak and my heart went racing out of my chest) only for the contractions to slow down. Not stop. Slow down. I was sent home with a prescription for more terbutaline and BEDREST! UGH! Seriously!?!? At least three to four days of it. I was already bored and thinking about how much I still had to get done before this baby comes!

So that is it for now...Molly and Terry took Jack and Taylor for the night. It makes me so sad that I won't be able to spend his birthday with him tomorrow. I could cry. Ok, I did shed a tear. :(

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yeah! Jack Gets to Go Too!

It is Wednesday and that means...Roads to Rails Camp for Jack! He woke up first thing this morning and was already in his sissy's Encompass t-shirt. "Mommy, this is where I am going today!" It was too funny! He knew exactly what day it was and that he could officially go to his camp.

Just like Monday, he was like a bullet to the car. Refused any chance for pre-camp pictures. We managed to capture two in the car courtesy of Taylor.

He was DYING to bust out of his car seat. By the time I got out of the car to take a picture of him at the entrance, he was already inside with Ms. Nikki. He didn't even say goodbye. What a turkey!

Pick up went great! Both were so excited to share about their days. Taylor is going to be in a play come Friday. Apparently, she is a horse... ;) She was given her line today and so far has memorized it on cue! Jack was telling Tay and I how they did special projects like a picture. He was so excited to meet new friends, but made it very clear that he was thrilled that 'Big Jack' was in his class too.

Poor kid could barely stay awake during lunch and then LIGHTS OUT! He just woke up now. ;-) Boy, if this keeps up, I can't wait for tomorrow.

Jack, the Un-Happy Camper

Alas, a week of summer camp has started! Jack will be spending three days in "Roads to Rails," while Taylor is in "Broadway." The kids are super excited! Actually, when Jack woke up this morning the first thing he said was, "I get to go to school today!" It was precious! The child ran to the car, jumped in his car seat and off we went.

Just about ready to leave...with his binky and LMC!

Well, we get there, get them both out and Ms. Julie comes over and says "Jack back in the car, your camp starts on Wednesday. The stealth child started walking backwards all while saying "No, Julie! I go to school today!" He cried the ENTIRE way home.

Guess I won't have any issues dropping him off come the fall. ;-)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Time for an update!

Ok, I know what you are thinking. 'She said she was going to start updating this again. She promised to post weekly, even without pictures. She said, be patient, but it would be worth it.'
Yes, I know. You caught me. I have been horrible about updating this. I always put it on my back burner and unfortunately, I think I have pilot light blew out a few times. ;-)

It is yet another gorgeous day here in Washington, and the kids are officially to hot to play outside, so I figured, why not. I am not promising anything this time, especially since Addison will be making her debut within the next 7 weeks. Well yes, yes I am pregnant again. You see if I would have kept you updated, you would have known. Surprise!

The school year ended without a hitch and so did Taylor's 2nd year of dance. Here are a few pictures from the momentous recital. We just completed Taylor's first summer camp-Bake Sale-today. I have to say, I am kind of happy that we are only doing one more week of camp. Aren't we supposed to relax during the summer????

Our family has just returned from our very first road trip to Arizona. Favorite songs of the drive: California Gurls, I Want To Be A Billionaire. Both were played throughout the drive and both kids rocked out to them. Least favorites: Hmmm, ANY honky tonk country that Chad played ;-).

We spent two full weeks together in mom's new house. I have to say, it was amazing. The house is still bare bones, but it is beautiful! We spent any chance we could at the pool and pool slide (the latter of which I couldn't partake). It was heavenly! I can't wait to get back down there! Maybe a trip after Addison comes this fall? Here are some pics that we were given of the entrance and pools before hours. I am uploading the vacation pics to my computer now. :)