Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yeah! Jack Gets to Go Too!

It is Wednesday and that means...Roads to Rails Camp for Jack! He woke up first thing this morning and was already in his sissy's Encompass t-shirt. "Mommy, this is where I am going today!" It was too funny! He knew exactly what day it was and that he could officially go to his camp.

Just like Monday, he was like a bullet to the car. Refused any chance for pre-camp pictures. We managed to capture two in the car courtesy of Taylor.

He was DYING to bust out of his car seat. By the time I got out of the car to take a picture of him at the entrance, he was already inside with Ms. Nikki. He didn't even say goodbye. What a turkey!

Pick up went great! Both were so excited to share about their days. Taylor is going to be in a play come Friday. Apparently, she is a horse... ;) She was given her line today and so far has memorized it on cue! Jack was telling Tay and I how they did special projects like a picture. He was so excited to meet new friends, but made it very clear that he was thrilled that 'Big Jack' was in his class too.

Poor kid could barely stay awake during lunch and then LIGHTS OUT! He just woke up now. ;-) Boy, if this keeps up, I can't wait for tomorrow.

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