Monday, July 19, 2010


Sure, just when things are going good (and I had a little bit more energy), Addie decides she is going to rock the cradle! Joking aside, as of 9 am, I started experiencing a 'bit' of pain, which was untolerable when I would stand or walk. Naturally, I called the doctor. She proceeded to have me try Milk of Magnesia-GROSS-to see if it was a build up of air in my abdomen. It was a 'Take two teaspoons and call me back in two hours if you are still uncomfortable.' I was skeptic, but I figured I would try it.

Two hours later I got the green light to head into Labor and Delivery. Not knowing what I had going on, they strapped me up to the monitors. Sure enough, full 2 minutes apart. Great! Jack's birthday is tomorrow and this is the last bit of news I wanted.

We spent five hours being monitored. Had two rounds of terbutaline (side note-this is horrible stuff. I was dizzy, weak and my heart went racing out of my chest) only for the contractions to slow down. Not stop. Slow down. I was sent home with a prescription for more terbutaline and BEDREST! UGH! Seriously!?!? At least three to four days of it. I was already bored and thinking about how much I still had to get done before this baby comes!

So that is it for now...Molly and Terry took Jack and Taylor for the night. It makes me so sad that I won't be able to spend his birthday with him tomorrow. I could cry. Ok, I did shed a tear. :(

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