Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lovely. Just lovely.

After a trip to the radiologist Thursday and my OB on Friday, it is official, I am on bed rest. Our hopes that the few days of bed rest would do the trick simply didn't. After a 125 bpm heart rate on Thursday evening, our radiologist decided to put me on a new anti-contraction med. We headed to Target to fill my prescription and naturally I didn't want to just stay in the car. Nurse Hatchet (Chad) would only allow me to go in if I used a motorized cart. It was so humiliating, plus the ass kept trying to take pictures of me! He did snap one...

However, I made him beg that it would never see the light of Facebook or he would be dead! It was germ infested I am sure, in fact, my mother made a comment that "I wonder how many elderly use that wearing their depends?" ICK! GROSS! @#(*&$(* SICK! Our little trip at Target was done, so I scooted my little cart back to it's home and proceeded to shower in a bottle of Purell. Talk about heebie geebies.

We waited about 4 hours to take it to allow my heart a chance to rest, all while experiencing contractions at 3 minutes apart. To say the least, I need to be on the meds as they appear to be doing the trick. So that is the story...three more weeks to go. At the least the weather is nice and the sun is shining. Maybe I won't go to mad. One can hope.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Love the picture!!!